On 05/05/2020 18:44, Michael wrote:
> I'm on an old Lenovo which must have different hardware/firmware.  It does 
> not 
> suffer from such trackpad problems.  Just an idea: have you migrated your 
> system to libinput driver and removed all old synaptics syntax in /etc/X11/
> xorg.conf.d/ to avoid potential clashes?
Yes, as I mentioned in my original email I use libinput and have done so
ever since it became a reasonable replacement. Certainly so for at least
the last three to four years.

I don't believe it's a library issue as the error messages in dmesg -
which are far more disturbing than those in Xorg.log - come directly
from the psmouse module.

It would appear ELAN trackpad drivers are generally in a very sorry
state across the board. In my very rare and limited use of Windows I
remember having a similarly abominable experience, albeit due to other
symptoms. With Synaptics trackpads, although not perfect, I have yet to
experience anything as hellish as this.

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