No easy fix: I wrote a script that checks my ISP's front page using
"GET" every 30 seconds.  When an error occurs, it starts checking the
dhcp assigned via the adsl modem IP address every 5 seconds until it
gets a valid address so it can restart apache, update dyndns, checking
that dhcp hasnt gone wheels up and so on.

The reason to use GET is that itself has not proven very reliable in
picking up that something has changed so dhcp itself needs checking.

Its proven quite a reliable method over time, and the short break in
service is tolerable (and very rarely noticed) for my usage.


On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 21:01 -0400, Sean Lester wrote:
> Greetings to the group,
>     First, if this is not the first time you've seen this I apologize.
> I lost all of my last 24hrs of email.  And, I didn't see this on the
> reflectors.  So, I appreciate your patience - thank you.  
>      I have been running pppoe by roaring penguin for a couple of
> years now.  Everything works fine when I bring up the network
> (my interface comes up, an ip is assigned, my firewall is configured,
> and dns2go is fired up).  This runs  fine as long as my ISP doesn't
> change my IP address.  I have a file called ip-up.local in the etc/ppp
> directory that coordinates all of this, so I think the if-up.local is
> working.  
> Once my ISP changes my IP, my network is hung (meaning I can't get out
> and routing is messed up).  If I type "route" I don't have a default
> route anymore.  If I run adsl-status, it'll tell me that it's up.
> However, I'm not so sure it is.  What I have to do is run adsl-stop,
> adsl-start, than the iptables configuration.  What is different here,
> then at startup?  Any advice?
> Thank You
> Sean
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