On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 5:52 PM n952162 <n952...@web.de> wrote:
> The beauty of gentoo is that it's source.  But that's just a fantasy if
> I use the stage3 tarball.
> I think.

The stage3 tarball is what you get if you build everything using the
default options.

If you change the options, then an emerge -e @world will rebuild
everything using your new options.  That is equivalent to what you get
from a stage1 install.  The main difference is that you aren't messing
around with chroots for days because you don't have a functional
system while everything builds the first time.

Ie, stage1->stage3 gets you the same thing as stage3->stage3.

And really unless you REALLY care about your CFLAGS you get 99% of the
benefit just sticking with the original stage3 and just rebuilding
anything you change USE flags for.  Over time it will all get rebuilt
anyway using your preferences.


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