On 26/05/2020 18:28, Frank Tarczynski wrote:
That's the Gentoo version that I'm using. But I'm looking for a way to make it bullet-proof to having the plug pulled.

Don't use an SD card? Seriously, pulling the power on an SD card has been known to corrupt it beyond recovery. BUT.

Is the big worry that the home directory will get corrupted etc etc? I don't know if you can partition an SD card, but look at doing a kiosk-style install with the OS protected and read-only. Then look at sticking a loopback device on top of home, so that any changes exist only in ram, and are lost on shutdown. Hopefully, that means you now have a system that can boot and run off a write-protected SD card :-)

Look at the raid wiki site


and especially the stuff on recovering a damaged raid for info about how to set up loopback.


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