On Sunday, 31 May 2020 08:12:00 BST Andrew Lowe wrote:
> Hi all,
>       A few days ago I did an "emerge -NuD world" on my KDE based desktop
> machine. When I rebooted the machine, the colours had gone a bit weird.
> I use the Nordic scheme which is dark but now, for example, when I open
> Dolphin, the alternating horizontal stips/stripes that go from the
> dir/file name across through the Modified/Type/Size area have undergone
> a colour change with the lighter horizontal stripes now nearly the
> colour of the text hence I can't read every second row. Other
> applications also display this behaviour, it appears that the colour
> palette is being modified somehow!
>       If I go into the "System Settings" and change the "Global Theme" to
> something else, say "Breeze Dark", apply, then change back to Nordic,
> hey presto the colours are back as they should be. Reboot and the dodgy
> colours are back, go to "System Settings".....rinse, repeat......
>       Anyone have experience with this sort of problem? Is there a way to
> reset the palette? Is there a way to refresh/reset the theme? I don't
> have a whole series of customised keystrokes etc so if it's a case of
> just blowing away a config file/dir and then the system will reset
> itself, that's not a problem.

I use the Norway scheme; it's a good compromise between all those popular, 
pallid schemes and a very dark scheme.

The Norway scheme has gone AWOL since the latest qt update. It leaves Konsole 
without any frame or title bar at all. I can get it back, as you do, but after 
merely logging out and in, it's gone again.


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