On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 05:31:25PM +0200, tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> Yep...even (re-) booting the newly created image works...the ReactOS
> logo apears....and then instead of the desktop I get this black
> void...
> I have not tested other systems yet.
> It works fine with my old computer...but that it doesn't work now, may
> be a coincidence in time and not necessarily a logical dependency.
> I can't rememember of VirtualBox or one of its dependencies were
> updates in the meanwhile...

From [1]:

        Note: VirtualBox 5.2.38 version is highly and strongly recommended.
        VirtualBox 6.x branch is still very buggy and unstable, causes fake
        regressions to be found in ReactOS.

I know you often run unstable software; are you on the 6.x series ? Try
downgrading to the stable version currently in gentoo.git (5.2.40).

[1] https://reactos.org/wiki/VirtualBox


Ashley Dixon

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