antlists wrote:
> On 07/06/2020 10:07, antlists wrote:
>> I think it was LWN, there was an interesting article on crypto recently.
> Cheers,
> Wol

Looks like they are getting ready to toss sha1 overboard.  If it is not
secure, they should.  At least most people who should know, already know
it is not secure.  I didn't have the details but I knew something was
hacked and asked to be sure.  I ended up using a AES one.  I did set up,
using zulucrypt at the moment, to encrypt a 3TB external hard drive.  So
far, it is working fine.  I've closed it a few times and opened it a few

The one thing I have not figure out yet, about to look into it, how to
mount it to a place I pick.  It's likely a setting I haven't noticed yet
but I'll find it.  Still not ready to even think of doing /home yet
tho.  That's a doozy.  I guess first I'd have to move everything off the
drives it's currently on, encrypt that drive and then move everything
back.  Another thing, having a secure password that is easy to type and
remember but can't be guesses.  Anyone remember the thread when I came
up with a password for PGP and LastPass a year or so ago???  It took me
a month to accomplish that but it is a good one.  Then I got a cell
phone.  Easy to type on the keyboard, not so much on the cell phone
tho.  Still, it works well.  It is a good one.  Good luck to anyone
trying to guess it or even hack it.  lol 

I wish my other drive would have worked.  I'd like to be able to compare
things.  They are both the same brand and size.  Likely even the same
model.  But it has some serious issues.  Even smartctrl was having
trouble chatting with the drive.  That's bad. 

May redo the drive but with command line tools this go around.  Just for

Thanks again.


:-)  :-) 

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