On 2020.07.14 17:05, Jack wrote:
I want to try some changes to an ebuild in the dotnet overlay. So, I copied /var/lib/layman/dotnet/dev-lang/mono/mono-9999.ebuild into /usr/local/portage/dev-lang/mono. I cd into that directory, and run "ebuild mono-9999.ebuild manifest" and it fails because it tries to download mono-9999.tar.bz2, which obviously doesn't exist anywhere. There is no SRC_URI in the ebuild, just "EGIT_REPO_URI="git://github.com/mono/${PN}.git". Also, I notice there is no Manifest file (or no DIST line) for any 9999 ebuild - and that seems true in the main tree and also overlays. Trying "ebuild mono-9999.ebuild prepare" complains that the digest is missing. So does "emerge mono-9999.ebuild" although it complains that a file (the ebuild itself) is not listed in the manifest.

So - if a manifest entry is not needed for a live/9999 ebuild, why is portage (ebuild or emerge) failing to work without one, and why is it trying to download a tarball, even without any SRC_URI in the ebuild?

With some help from #gentoo, it turns out mono-env.eclass in ::gentoo includes a SRC_URI line. That eclass in ::dotnet does not. When I tried a 9999 ebuild in ::local. it used the ::gentoo version of the eclass. Explicitly adding 'SRC_URI=""' after the inherit line in the ebuild fixed it.

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