On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 02:39:48PM -0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> During my regular update, I see that net-dns/bind-tools is upgrading
> from 9.14 to 9.16, and that's triggering the installation of _17_ new
> packages (all apparently related to sphinx and Babel).
> Is this sort of dependency bloat really necessary?
> The "doc" flag for bind-tools is not set, so why does it demand that
> sphinx be installed?

Sphinx is required (BDEPEND [1]) to build the man page, as commented in the
ebuild [2]:

        # sphinx required for man-page and html creation

> Does bind-tools really need packages like sphinxcontrib-qthelp,
> sphinxcontrib-applehelp, sphinxcontrib-jsmath, sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp?

All of these are unfortunate consequences of Sphinx's hefty dependency list [3].
It seems that as the manual pages are installed with the package (regardless  of
the `doc` USE-flag), there is no way of mitigating this  dependency  bloat  with
the bind-tools 9.16 series. Hopefully this can be addressed by the developers in



Ashley Dixon

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