On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 19:00:06 -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:

> How can a user tell which package an uninstalled tool is in?

Asking here is one way.

> For example.  I want to make an xfs file system.  It turn out I have
> no mkfs.xfs.

> I find these in my portage tree:  sys-fs/xfsdump and xfsprogs.

It's the latter.

> Neither sound like they would contain mkfs.xfs.  But if they do, how
> can I determine that?  I see no list of files or the like in their
> prospective directories and no commandline flags for esearch that look
> like they do that either.

Because the files installed by a package depend on the USE flags and
platform, it is not possible to produce a definitive list of what each
package installs, unlike with a binary distro.

You can search http://packages.debian.org or http://rpmfind.net to see
which package includes the file on other distros . That should give you a
good idea of where to look.

Neil Bothwick

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.",

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