On 2020-08-14, tastytea <tastytea+gen...@tastytea.de> wrote:

> rc-service runs the same service scripts that are in /etc/init.d/, so
> it's the same. However the manpage of rc-service(8) mentions that
> “Service scripts could be in different places on different systems”, so
> the most compatible way would be to use rc-service.

Oddly, the two usages are both within one example.  It appears that
the author uses "/etc/init.d/iptables" for the "save" command and
"rc-service iptables" for the "start" command.

Also interesting: the openrc wiki page doesn't mention rc-service at
all and the examples all use "/etc/init.d/<whatever> <command>".
[That's what I tend to use because it allows tab-completion.]


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