On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 05:20:00PM -0400, james wrote:
> > The functions being discussed in this thread belong to the
> > trustees (the board of directors for the foundation) [1]. Thhey are
> > definitely not part of the council's skill set [2].
> The Gentoo social contract is fine; as long as folks do not take and 
> expanded interpretation of those tenets. That is expansive 
> interpretation, going beyond what is clearly stated, is a slippery 
> slope. Too often that is the exact problem. I'd suggest a tight, 
> conservative interpretation of the Gentoo Social Contract. If not 
> clearly delineated, do not expand it's interpretation.

I'm a little lost here on why you brought in the social contract. Glep
39 is where the functions of the council are defined, and the bylaws
define the functions of the foundation/trustees. [1] [2]

> > mgorny and others are advocating disbanding the Gentoo foundation
> > and transfering all of Gentoo's assets to an organization such as the 
> > Software
> > Freedom Conservancy [3] and allowing the council to exist as it currently 
> > does.
> The post, at first read, he makes in sound as if "Gentoo" is in some 
> sort of trouble. Now that we clearly know, Gentoo is currently 
> sufficiently funded, WE should move very slowly. Caveat Emptor.

Agreed. The funding is fine (see Rich0's message). The issue was that
the foundation was behind in its tax filing. That is now resolved as
well (see rich0's message).

> > As a member of the council, I'll be the first to say I don't know
> > anything about trustee functions. For me, the question is, do we want to
> > control our own destiny as an organization or do we want to have another
> > organization control it in some way? To be honest, I do not have that
> > answer because I don't know how much control an umbrella organization
> > would try to exert, and since they would control our purse strings, I
> > don't know what the scope of control they would be able to exert is.
> Amen! So let us flush out the clear roles and authorities, BEFORE we 
> make any changes.  Thank you for your clear, precise focus, as folks, 
> including myself, tend to get very excited when is it presented that 
> 'gentoo is in trouble'. I've been here since 2002, after selling a large 
> ISP (CFTnet) in 1999.  Integrity is everything, in any organization. ymmv.

Now I'm going to remove my council hat so to speak and give you my
personal opinion. To be honest, I feel like some people have generated a
lot of unnecessary drama between the council and trustees. They serve
completely different functions and should be able to co-exist fine.


[1] https://www.gentoo.org/glep/glep-0039.html
[2] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Foundation:Bylaws

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