On 07/09/2020 13:13, Walter Dnes wrote:
On Sun, Sep 06, 2020 at 12:47:34PM -0400, Walter Dnes wrote

Since I don't yet have rust on my desktop, I'll try "emerge -1
rust-bin" before doing the world update.  Hopefully, that'll satisfy
the virtual/rust dependency from the get-go.

   I decided to go a bit more heavy-handed route with my backup desktop
I included "dev-lang/rust" in package.mask before running the update.
It worked...

[i3][root][~] eselect rust list
Available Rust versions:
   [1]   rust-bin-1.45.2 *

   That route only applies to systems that don't have rust installed yet.

That's not necessary. If a system doesn't have rust installed yet, all you need is `emerge -1 rust-bin`. This will then satisfy the virtual.

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