
On Mon, 07 Sep 2020, Dale wrote:
>Another question.  I use top to see what is using the CPU so much.  When
>it is Dolphin, I can't tell which window it is.  I sometimes have a few
>Is there a way to figure
>out which process goes with which window or running instance of
>Dolphin?  In top, it shows a ID number like this.
>16577 dale      20   0  986256 160680  79288 S   2.8   0.5  25:56.63
>/usr/bin/dolphin -session
>Is there a way to know what window that ID belongs too? 

==== switch_to_pid_win.sh ====
window_id=$(wmctrl -p -l -x | awk -vPID="$pid" '$3 == PID { printf("%s", $1); 
wmctrl -i -a "$window_id"

$ switch_to_pid_win.sh PID_OF_OFFENDING_PROCESS


$ switch_to_pid_win.sh 16577


panic("esp_handle: current_SC == penguin within interrupt!");

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