sean schreef:
> Hi Holly,
> I can get it unmasked, I just can't clear the keyword.
> This is what is currently in my keyword file.
> app-office/openoffice -* app-office/openoffice ~amd64
> This is my unmask, which is working. =app-office/openoffice-2.0.0
> Thanks Sean

Ha (not laughing at you)-- this is a silly mistake that I know is silly
because I've made it myself until I figured out the trick.

Put both unmasks on the same line.

The second line is overriding the first (masks, like keywords and USE
flags) are not cumulative over subsequent entries.

If you do it like this

> app-office/openoffice -* 
> app-office/openoffice ~amd64

The first line unmasks just the -*, then the second line remasks
everything and unmasks amd64.

But if you do it like this

> app-office/openoffice -* ~amd64

both masks will be unmasked.

Hope this helps.

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