Dale wrote:
> Meik Frischke wrote:
>> Hi Dale,
>> Hugin has a USE-flag for SIFT which pulls autopano-sift-C as a
>> dependency: sift? ( media-gfx/autopano-sift-C ). The SIFT algorithm
>> used to be patented [1] which could be a possible reason why the
>> dependency was not enabled by default, though you might have to ask
>> the maintainer for that. The patent is expired as of this year, so
>> there is probably little reason to not enable the USE flag for you.
>> "autopano-noop" is an obsolete wrapper [2] for autopano-sift-C which
>> might be an artifact from an earlier hugin version upgrade.
>> Anyway, good that you got it to work.
>> Sincerely,
>> Meik
>> [1] https://patents.google.com/patent/US6711293B1/en
>> [2] http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/autopano-noop.1.html
> I already got it working.  I was posting about how to get it to work. 
> Hopefully, if someone googles it, they will find this thread and be able
> to follow how to set it up and it work. 
> Since I installed this so long ago, it likely held the old defaults over
> from the past.  It may work on new installs.  Oh, I already had the sift
> USE flag enabled.  Still, the defaults didn't work. 
> Interesting to know some history about this tho.  May explain why it was
> the way it was. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

Additional info.  Since I had a backup of the original configuration, I
decided to give the new defaults a test drive.  I clicked the Load
Defaults button and it changed about everything.  The old settings
seemed to have left completely.  Keep in mind, this install goes back
YEARS.  It may be well over a decade old as far as configs go.  I copied
/home over from my previous system.  The new default is Hugin's CPfind. 
I've taken a few panoramic pictures and give it a go.  At first, I did a
couple control points manually for each set if pics.  Then on the last
two sets, I loaded the images and just hit Create Control Points and let
'er go.  After clicking all the other things and telling it to stitch,
they turned out awesome.  I looked for errors in the picture but I
couldn't find any.  Since my pics were mostly of trees, I looked for
trees that were bent or out of line in some way.  I couldn't find
anything wrong.  Darn software does a awesome job.  :-D 

Only downside, the resulting files are pretty large even when I scale
them down a bit.  Most image hosting sites cut off file sizes and mine
are to big.  Gotta find a solution for that problem, new image site

Thanks for the reply Meik.  It got me to test some really new settings. 
Something I should have done a LONG time ago. 


:-)  :-) 

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