
On Friday, 2020-11-27 19:07:17 +0000, you wrote:

> ...
> A 4k block size is recommended for ntfs-3g which is the default sector 
> created 
> by fdisk and friends on Linux these days.  This will align your partition 
> optimally.  In addition, mkfs.ntfs will use 4096 bytes as the default cluster 
> size, so you should be good in that respect.
> Another setting you may want to try is mounting the USB with 'big_writes' - 
> check the man page.  This should help particularly with large files, which 
> will use larger blocks up to 128KB when copying data to the NTFS.

Both, the VeraCrypt command line (--fs-options=big_writes) and the Vera-
Crypt GUI  (under "Settings  --> Preferences")  allow setting this mount
option.  But

   $ mount | grep veracrypt

never shows it,  initially causing me  to erroneously believe  it wasn't
set and to try finding  on the web another way  of setting it.   By pure
chance I finally found out that

   $ ps -ef | grep veracrypt

lists a  "/usr/sbin/mount.ntfs" task  which shows the  options really in
effect.  However,  I haven't yet had the time to test the effect of this
option when writing  plenty of really big files.   I will report on that


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