On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 5:08 PM <the...@sys-concept.com> wrote:
> So I tried with  setting:
> home_mailbox = .maildir
> (no forward "/", so it should be mbox type).

Ok, your email is a bit confusing so I'm not quite sure what you're
trying to accomplish.  I'm not sure why you'd want to stick an mbox
mailbox in a maildir path.

Let's take this one step at a time and confirm everything is working
properly before going to the next step.

Step 1 - Which mailbox standard do you want to use - mbox or maildir?
The answer to this question should be just one word, but feel free to
google pros/cons of each.

Step 2 - We'll confirm postfix is configured appropriately for that
choice and that it is delivering mail to the right place using shell
commands (cat/etc) and not touch thunderbird.

Step 3 - We'll configure thunderbird to use the appropriate location.

So, step 1 - which of the two formats do you WANT to use?  mbox or
maildir?  I don't care how the old host worked.  I don't care how the
new host is working now.  Which way do you WANT it to work?


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