
On Wed, 16 Dec 2020, Todd Goodman wrote:
>I think you need a semi-colon inside and after the right curly brace ('}')
>You right braces are parentheses and not right curly braces too (maybe a cut
>and paste issue?)
>FWIW, the following is what I use to separate my mail logs out and it works:
>destination messages { file("/var/log/messages"); };
>destination maillog { file("/var/log/maillog"); };
>filter f_mail { facility(mail); };
>filter f_messages { not facility(mail); };
>log { source(src); filter(f_mail); destination(maillog); };
>log { source(src); filter(f_messages); destination(messages); };
>On 12/15/2020 10:44 PM, Dan Egli wrote:
>> Help me understand this, please?  I have ISC dhcpd configured to log to
>> syslog.local7 (since I don't see an option to force it into it's own log
>> file). So I went into my syslog-ng file and created two filters, just
>> like on the example page of syslog-ng.com:
>> filter dhcpmsgs { facility(23) );
>> filter non_dhcp { NOT filter(dhcpmsgs) )

Also, where's that '23' coming from? Shouldn't that be

    filter dhcpmsgs { facility(local7); };


printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Flex. Ttttt...\n", DRV_NAME);

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