
On Sunday, 2021-01-03 18:43:34 +0000, you wrote:

> ...
> > /usr/share/alsa/init/default:102: value write error: Input/output error
> The above on my system refers to headphone control:
> CTL{name}="Headphone Playback Switch",CTL{do_search}=="1", \
>   CTL{values}="on"
> > /usr/share/alsa/init/default:263: value write error: Input/output error
> > /usr/share/alsa/init/default:263: value write error: Input/output error
> This refers to recording volume:
> CTL{name}="Capture Volume",CTL{do_search}=="1", \
>   CTL{write}!="$env{cvolume}",CTL{values}="$env{cpercent}"

Same here.

> is your user a member of the audio group?

$ id
uid=1000(rainer) gid=1000(rainer) 

> Are you able to unmute your settings, if muted, with alsamixer?

After running "alsactl init"  the only settings muted in "alsamixer" are
"Master" and "Headphone", and yes, I can unmute both by pressing the "m"
key.  But this does neither bring back sound nor does it change the out-
put from another "alsactl init".

> I recall an older alsa bug with some realtek driver, whereby to get their 
> audio back some users had to suspend to RAM first.  :-/  Yes, I know, it 
> sounds like cargo-culting, but apparently it worked for them.

Oh well, is there a replacement for ALSA?   Can I use "pulseaudio" with-
out ALSA?


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