On Wed, 6 Jan 2021 16:46:49 +0100, n952162 wrote:

> I set up a binary server on one of my real machines to service a vbox
> hosted on it.  It seems to work okay, but both firefox and thunderbird
> are re-emerging ... I suspect that they changed between when I did a
> --sync on the host and a --sync on the client.
> I can't see any problem with configuring the machines in the other
> direction, as well, so I can "upload" the compiled firefox and
> thunderbird to the host.

Set FEATURES="buildpkg" on both machines and set up a common $PKGDIR (I
use NFS for this). Then emerge with the --se-pkg option and if a suitable
package has already been build, it will be used, saving compiling again. 

Neil Bothwick

If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?

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