* On 29.10.2005 sean wrote:

> What is the proper way to over ride a package that is (masked by: 
> missing keyword)?

 The only way I know of is to change the ebuild. But don't do
this on the ebuild in your normal portage dir (it will be
overridden after the next sync). Copy the ebuild to
'${PORTDIR_OVERLAY}/category/name/package.ebuild' and do your
changes there (in this case

 Now you have to add your architecture into the KEYWORDS variable
(here: KEYWORDS="amd64") and it should work. (Perhaps you have to
update your portage cache, I don't know).

 But, as Ciaran said, don't do it with openoffice-2.0.0, because
it won't work under amd64.

>  From what I read it is supposed to be done with the package.keywords 
> file in /etc/portage.
> But I must be doing something wrong with format.

 I'm not really sure, but you can't unmask packages marked by
missing keyword with any of these files in /etc/portage
(specially /etc/portage/package.keywords) IIRC. With these files
you can unmask packages masked by
/usr/portage/profiles/package.unmask (/etc/portage/package.mask)
or marked testing in the ebuild (~amd64) if are running a stable
gentoo (read: set ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="amd64" in /etc/make.conf)

 You can do lots more here. Read 'man portage' for details.

> Specifically I am trying to install openoffice 2.0 on my amd64 system. I 
> have unmasked it, but the keyword is still blocking me.

 As mentioned above it won't work.

 So long,

You can't hurt me!!  I have an ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE!!

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