On 3/18/21 12:54 PM, Victor Ivanov wrote:


Generally yes, when changing from one runlevel to another OpenRC will stop all services from the previous (current) runlevel and start the services for the next (new) runlevel.


However, my understanding is that the `boot' and `sysinit' runlevels are "special" and services started there are also included in all "non-special" runlevels.


In your case, `myService-boot' should remain active in `default' along with `myService-default'. You can double check that by running

      $ rc-status


I'm not seeing any overlap between services in the boot runlevel and services still running in the default runlevel.

cat <(rc-status | egrep "^ " | sort | awk '{print $1}') <(rc-update | grep boot | awk '{print $1}' | sort) | sort | uniq -c

All the services are listed one time.

If any of the boot services are still running as a default service, I would expect their count to be two.

It's difficult to say without understanding what they do and their end goal. It also depends on how the services are coded. If they try to bind to the same port then yes, chances are that `myService-default' will fail at this point as the former would still be running.

It doesn't really matter.

My question was about a boot service continuing to run in the default runlevel or not. It doesn't matter what myService-boot and myService-default are. They could be zfs-mount and sshd.

I'm only interested in if myService-boot continues to run in the default runlevel or not.

myService-boot    | boot
myService-default |      default

If that's the case, one option is to separate their responsibilities and/or make `myService-default' depend on `myService-boot' and have it leverage whatever it is that `myService-boot' already provides.


Grant. . . .
unix || die

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