On Monday 31 October 2005 18:24, Holly Bostick wrote:
> Hey, all,
> Sorry that this will not be an extremely clear question, but I really
> have no idea where to start, or what the problem is.
> Basically, my system is running "fine" (no overt problems), but about
> every 30 seconds or so, it 'pauses' to do something, and I have to wait
> for 5-10 seconds while it does it before I can go further. Or the
> display pauses, and I have to wait for the redraw , I can't tell which.
> The system is still running during these pauses, but if I'm typing this
> mail, for example, the letters I typed during the pause will not appear
> until the system resumes (or resumes displaying). If I then backspace
> to remove the typos I made when I couldn't see what I was typing, if a
> pause occurs during the repeated backspace hitting, I have to stop and
> wait, since I can't know where the cursor actually is until it again
> active.
> Gkrellm's animated displays pause during the pauses as well (which is a
> bit useful, so that I know when they're happening). Changing desktops is
> delayed, Page down in word processors is delayed, activities in the
> console are delayed. Heck, even dragging cards around in AisleRiot is
> delayed by these stupid unattributable pauses.
> Memory and CPU use are not bizarre, I have a lot of processes going, but
> nothing weird or unexpected seems to be running if I can trust top and
> gnome-system-monitor. Since all the problems seem to be related to the X
> server, maybe it's an X problem; I'm currently using the VESA driver, as
> I wanted to get a clean install of the new ATI drivers when I compile
> the next kernel (2.13-r5, I'm using 2.13-r4 atm).  I'm not using
> anything but 2D applications atm, though (of course, since I have no
> 3D-capable drivers available). But maybe it's a kernel scheduling
> problem. Or maybe gamin sucks, halting the whole system while it updates
> the file tree.
> I really have no idea, and if it wasn't so very annoying, I wouldn't
> post such a formless plea for help, but if this rings a bell with
> anyone, I'd appreciate a nudge/push/shove in the right direction.
> Thanks,
> Holly

sounds like no DMA enabled

mar bin # hdparm /dev/hdb

 multcount    = 16 (on)
 IO_support   =  1 (32-bit)
 unmaskirq    =  1 (on)
 -->>>>using_dma    =  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 readonly     =  0 (off)
 readahead    = 256 (on)
 geometry     = 19929/255/63, sectors = 320173056, start = 0


Linux 2.6.13 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
 18:47:06 up  3:55,  5 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.22, 0.51
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