On 2021-06-07, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 7:11 AM Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On 2021-06-07, Alan Grimes <alonz...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> > Chromium is still broken here, all tabs blank after MORE THAN A MONTH...
>> I wasn't aware there was a problem: there hasen't been any brokenness
>> for me[1] (current running 91.0.4472.77 ). What's the problem?
>> [1] Except for a minor problem when dragging a tab out of the
>>     window to form a new window. That's been broken for ages and is
>>     apparently a permenent "feature" now (both Chromium and Chrom).
> No problem dragging a tab out of Chrome here on Kubuntu.
> If it's broken that would appear to be a Gentoo issue, not a generic
> Chrome or Linux proper issue.

I suspect the problem only happens under certain window managers.  It
was definitely introduced at a specific Chrome/Chromium version
(though I forget exactly what version).  It started maybe 6-12 months
ago, and you could avoid the problem by reverting to an older Chrome

When you drag a tab out of a window to form a new window, and then
release the mouse button, the new window won't stay put. It will
continue to follow the cursor around the desktop (even as other
windows get focus) until you press any key on the keyboard. Once you
press a key, the window stops and stays put (they way it used to when
you released the mouse button after the tab drag operation).

I use openbox, but I've seen the same problem reported by Chrome users
under other non-Gnome/KDE desktops.


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