Jack wrote:
> On 6/15/21 10:21 AM, Dale wrote:
>> Ramon Fischer wrote:
>>> Hello Dale,
>>> this also happens to me sometimes and the culprit was an open process
>>> still accessing the hard drive. Maybe you can solve it like this:
>>>     $ lsof /mnt/8tb
>>>     zsh       8390 root  cwd    DIR  253,2      4096 27787265 /mnt/8tb
>>>     $ kill 8390
>>>     $ lsof /mnt/8tb
>>> After that, you should be able to close the drive via "cryptsetup".
>>> -Ramon
>>> On 14/06/2021 06:50, Dale wrote:
>>>> root@fireball / # cryptsetup close 8tb
>>>> Device 8tb is still in use.
>>>> root@fireball / # mount | grep 8tb
>>>> root@fireball / #
>> I've tried lsof before, for both mount point and device, it shows
>> nothing open.  It's weird.
>> When this happened last night, just before I posted, I let the drive sit
>> there while I was doing updates.  Later on, I tried to close it again
>> and it closed just fine.  I hadn't done anything except let it sit
>> there.  While I was glad it closed, I wonder why it did it.  Did udev
>> finally catch up to the state of the drive?  Did some other device
>> update and allow it to close?
>> This is weird.  Everything says it is ready to be closed but it thinks
>> something is open.  I'm not sure what to point too for the problem.  Yet
>> anyway.
>> Thanks for the tip.  It was worth mentioning.
>> Dale
> Is it possible it was still syncing cache out to the physical drive? 
> I wonder if iotop would show any activity for that drive if that's the
> case?
> Jack

I may try that next time but the light had stopped blinking for several
minutes.  Since it is a SMR drive, I always leave it running until I
can't feel the heads bumping around.  I don't think it would be that
but, it's worth a try. It may lead to something. 

Will update when it does it again. 



:-)  :-) 

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