On 14/08/2021 22:20, Ramon Fischer wrote:
Is there any way to tell "portage", that packages like "qtwebengine", "(ungoogled-)chromium", "firefox" and so on are always compiled as last package?

The simplest way is to exclude those packages in the first update, and then allow them in the second:

emerge -uDU @world --exclude "qtwebengine firefox chromium" && emerge -uDU @world

The dependency tracker of portage will of course also exclude packages that depend on the excluded packages, unless they themselves have updates pending. In that case, they *might* get built twice; once against the current version of the excluded packages, and then perhaps again on the second run, if there's rebuild triggers involved.

Most of the time though, you won't run into cases of redundant rebuilds. Rebuild triggers are not very common.

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