On Mon, 23 Aug 2021 16:08:08 +0200, Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:

> off and on I'm receiving updates of packages  "sys-firmware/intel-micro-
> code" and "sys-kernel/linux-firmware".  My kernel has
>    $ grep ^CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE /usr/src/linux/.config
>    CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="intel-ucode/06-5e-03 i915/skl_dmc_ver1_27.bin
> regulatory.db  regulatory.db.p7s iwlwifi-3160-17.ucode"
> CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR="/lib/firmware" $
> Is there any need  for some postprocessing  like booting  when either of
> these packages is updated?   Normally my laptop  is regularly hibernated
> but it is rarely booted.

Not every update of the microcode package has updates for every
processor, but when yours is affected, you need to reboot. I use
needrestart after all updates and then tells me if I need to reboot for
newer microcode.

Note that I don't compile the microcode into the kernel, I let emerge
create an initramfs for it, so I don't need to recompile my kernel when
there's an update, I suspect you do.

Neil Bothwick

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