On 9/19/21 12:03 AM, Philip Webb wrote:
> 210918 cal wrote:
>>>   (kde-frameworks/kglobalaccel-5.82.0-r1:5/5.82::gentoo, installed) 
>>> USE="-debug -doc -nls -test" ABI_X86="(64)" pulled in by
>>>     (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
>> See in particular the last message.
>> I'm not sure what causes that message in particular,
>> but it seems like kglobalaccel is causing the problem
>> by pulling in a bunch of 5.82.0 deps causing a slot conflict.
> That is the key, but it doesn't work the way you suggest.
> I cut the Gordian knot Alexander-fashion :
> I simply unmerged the  7  objecting pkgs via 'emerge -C ... ',
> ie attica kactivities kconfig kcoreaddons kcrash kglobalaccel kwindowsystem.
> after that, I was able to update the whole list of pkgs without a problem.
> This has to be a bug in Portage,
> at least in the sense of an unintended + obstructive feature.
> Portage ought to be able to recognise when a set of pkgs
> are creating destructive circular dependencies among themselves
> & resolve the conflict by updating all of them together.
> This sort of traffic-jam happens regularly & has done so for many years :
> one case is Qt, which forces the user to unmerge the whole set,
> then merge the updates as a set too.
> Perhaps one of our hard-working unpaid devs is listening ... (smile).

For what it's worth, I have had these same KDE packages listed above
installed for 3 years, and have never experienced the slot conflict you
encountered (in particular, the recent upgrade from 5.82 to 5.85 worked
fine on my systems).  So whether or not the end result could be
considered a bug in portage, it seems likely that, like others have
suggested on the thread, there is possibly a strange configuration
somewhere on your system triggering the problem to occur (I have usually
found this to be the case when my emerge updates blow up with strange

I'm not a portage dev, but I suspect if you wanted someone to look into
it, you'd need to file a bug report and clarify the details about your
system profile, world set, USE flags, package keywords, whether the
problem occurs if you emerge @world instead of directly merging certain
packages, etc.


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