On 24/09/2021 21:30, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 2:25 PM antlists <antli...@youngman.org.uk <mailto:antli...@youngman.org.uk>> wrote:

    This is weird ...

    My /home directory is set up somewhat strangely, as in I've got two raw
    partitions, I've put dm-integrity on them, raided them together, then
    put lvm on top of that.

    Which got me into a bind with fstab. I've created a systemd service,
    which fires up dm-integrity on those two partitions. But I get the
    impression it doesn't run until fstab completes. Catch-22 - fstab tries
    to mount /home, but it can't until dm-integrity has made the volume

Have you tried using Before=local-fs.target in the service? Or even Before=local-fs-pre.target?

You mean in my integritysetup.service file? No, because in scrabbling around to try and find out what magic incantation was required, I didn't find it.

There's a lot of info about how to write a service file, but if you need to run before or after system service files, it's nowhere near so easy to find out Before=WHAT or After=WHAT :-)

    So I created a systemd mount unit for /home, which only runs after
    dm-integrity. Great - I enabled it and it appeared to work!

You removed the /home entry from fstab, right?

mad it noauto, yes ...

    Only problem, startplasma-wayland now dumped me at a blank screen.

    Now for the weirdo. I disabled it, thinking I would have to log in as
    root, mount /home, and go from there. Except that, when I logged in,
    /home was mounted and startplasma-wayland worked!

That sounds like /home was still on fstab...

#LABEL=boot             /boot           ext4            noauto,noatime  1 2
/dev/disk/by-uuid/F436-354A     /boot   vfat    noauto,noatime  1 2
#UUID=58e72203-57d1-4497-81ad-97655bd56494              /               ext4    
        noatime         0 1
#LABEL=swap             none            swap            sw              0 0
#/dev/cdrom             /mnt/cdrom      auto            noauto,ro       0 0
/dev/vg-root/lv-gentoo  /       ext4    rw      0       0
/dev/vg-home/lv-data    /home   ext4    noauto,rw       0       0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/e2b75f09-8cb4-4e20-9cfd-21c0aadfa540 none swap sw,pri=1 0 0 /dev/disk/by-uuid/e03459f5-1f57-485b-92e4-b09cf50534c1 none swap sw,pri=1 0 0

    systemctl tells me mount.home is disabled, but also tells me that it
    and mounted the drive.

That should be home.mount. What does systemctl status home.mount says?

anthony@thewolery ~ $ systemctl status home.mount
● home.mount - Mount Home
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/home.mount; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (mounted) since Fri 2021-09-24 20:13:49 BST; 2min 51s ago
      Where: /home
       What: /dev/mapper/vg--home-lv--data
        CPU: 13ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/home.mount

Sep 24 20:13:48 thewolery systemd[1]: Mounting Mount Home...
Sep 24 20:13:49 thewolery systemd[1]: Mounted Mount Home.
anthony@thewolery ~ $ cd Scans/HP-M477/

    So what on earth is going on, and more importantly, what am I
    misunderstanding or doing wrong. I would very much like to know why
    working, when I think it shouldn't be!

So fstab says noauto, home.mount is disabled, and /home is mounted on boot...


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