On 11/1/05, Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

>A really really dumb bit of code in Portage itself was changed. See the
>gentoo-portage-dev list archives if you want technical details.
Is that the same reason it was sticking at 50% or so?  If so there is a
thread about it on the forums too.  I hope that fixed it.  My old 200MHz
machine got a heck of a workout.  LOL  It took 30 minutes to go from 49%
to 51%.  The rest wasn't much better.  LOL

Yeah.. I sync'ed portage yesterday and still took forever to finish. Although all the way is slow and painful, the worst part was indeed from 50% to 52%.. these 2% take SOOOOOO loooooong....
You say that your old 200MHz took 30m? I'd say my laptop took "at least" 30m yesterday to do it.. and it's a 2.4Ghz... I even think that each update gets worst and worst....


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