I'm in the study phase on some sort of NAS backup system for my home. I'll
be building (or buying) a new desktop/server machine in the next few months
- my i980 machine doesn't have the right instruction set for running
Tensorflow anymore - so I want to figure out backups before I put together
the new machine.

I have about $400 credit at NewEgg and would like to keep my additional
costs on the NAS down to about $100-$200. I expect the new machine to
probably be 4TB RAID but it would be quite a while before that gets filled

What do I need to be thinking about? Do I need 8TB in the NAS box? Are 2 or
4 bay NAS boxes generally RAID? I do backups today about once a week. I do
not currently keep any snapshots. I just back up files so over time the
backup carries a lot of stuff that I don't need anymore and I have to go
clean it up if I run out of space.

The NAS would be turned off most of the time. If I need to use it I'll just
power it up.

I've been looking at a few software solutions based on another thread here
but so far nothing has excited me so recommendations for what makes sense
for high reliability home backup is of great interest, especially if it
helps me somehow in cleaning up the backups after deleting stuff on my main
machine on purpose and therefore not needing it on the backup.

Thanks in advance for any ideas.


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