On Fri, 2021-10-08 at 14:33 -0600, Skippy wrote:
> I've been informed that 4.5.3 is failing because it needs <=ffmpeg-3.4.
> That brings me to how to install such a version of ffmpeg. My limited 
> understanding of slots tells me this should be possible, but I've yet to 
> find anything explaining how to install the older ffmpeg without 
> disturbing the newer version.

It needs something older than ffmpeg-4.4. You can try the previous

  $ emerge -v1 =media-video/ffmpeg-4.3.2-r1

ffmpeg isn't slotted, so you can't install two versions at the same
time. Ideally, the maintainer of the overlay would update the megasync
ebuilds to require the older ffmpeg.

That should work so long as nothing else on your system needs the newer
version of ffmpeg.

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