On 16:53 Tue 01 Nov     , Ryan Viljoen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Trying to install gentoo on a notebook with a P4M (dothan), wondering
> > what -mtune should I go for, the GCC manual says:
> >
> > pentium-m
> > Low power version of Intel Pentium3 CPU with MMX, SSE and SSE2
> > instruction set support. Used by Centrino notebooks.
> >
> > pentium4, pentium4m
> > Intel Pentium4 CPU with MMX, SSE and SSE2 instruction set support.
> >
> This is what I use with my notebook (Intel 1.5GHz Centrino):
> CFLAGS="-O3 -pipe -march=pentium-m -mcpu=i686 -fomit-frame-pointer
> -mtune=pentium-m"
> which seems to work fine.
> I am however curious about pentium4m though.
I am using "pentium4" with a Centrino 1.86 and it works fine. I mentioned
that here before, and someone congratulated me for being smart.

In fact, I chose "pentium4" out of an abundance of ignorance. I have
googled the subject to death, and found nothing suggesting that "pentium4"
or "pentium4m" should be used with this processor, except an indication
that the "dothan" is pentium3 based, with some pentium4 tweaks. No
indication as to which CFLAG to use, except the gcc documentation, which
seems to point to pentium3 or pentium-m.

I am planning on sticking with the pentium4 flag, on the theory of "If it
ain't broke, don't fix it", until I get some definitive guidance, or until
I need to do a recompile.

Any cflag guru's out there?? 

Bill Roberts

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