Hello list,

Today's update includes sys-devel/gcc-11.2.1_p20211127, up from 11.2.1. I 
wanted to find out what changes had been introduced, so I went searching for 
the change log. I sync gentoo with git, so it should be easy to find the log. 
Google found references to git log, but when I tried it I got this:

/var/db/repos/gentoo # git log sys-devel/gcc-11.2.1_p20211127
fatal: ambiguous argument 'sys-devel/gcc-11.2.1_p20211127': unknown revision 
or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'

So I did that, but whatever I tried returned 'bad revision'. What's the proper 


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