Holly Bostick wrote:

>>emerge gtypist
>>emerge tuxtype
>>emerge tuxtype2
>>emerge dvorak7min (if you happen to have a dvorak keyboard)
>>emerge dvorakng (ditto)
>>emerge typespeed
>>emerge ktouch
>>Naturally you don't need all of these, but I thought I'd list what's in
>>Portage. I have gtypist and tuxtype2 installed, but haven't got around
>>to scheduling them yet :-( .
>>Isn't it nice to know you can use your computer to help you in your
>>life? :-)
Well, I took typing in high school . . . . they kicked me out after
about 2 weeks.  The teacher even helped me after school and all, still
no go.  I also took piano lessons for a good long while.  My teacher
said she has taught kids that are "mentally challenged" that did better
with the fingers.  I just can't get my fingers to work for me.  I'm
getting a bit better now that I have my own rig though.  This is my
first computer of my own.

It's funny though, I can fix about anything.  I'm good with mechanical
stuff.  Guy thing I guess.  < shrugs >  I can rebuild a car motor with
no problems.

Since I'm disabled, having a computer helps a lot.  I don't get out to
much.  I go to town about once or twice a week to get groceries, usually
late at night, and that is about it.  I can go all month on a tank of
gas sometimes.  Going to see my girlfriend, about 300 miles away, was
the longest trip I have taken in many years.  I'm hoping to go back this
weekend.  I miss all 100 lbs of her.  I talked to her a bit ago.  <
grins real big >


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


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