I'm not sure where experimental anything is coming from.  Do you have some overlay set up? How recently have you synced?

I see libreoffice- and lpsolve- as the only stable versions in the main portage tree, and both were re-installed within the past three days.

On 2/21/22 13:07, Steven Lembark wrote:
Need to install libreoffice (welcome to Tax Time!).

Building either libreoffice or libreoffice-bin failes with
the same error downloading lpsolve from an
apparently non-exitant "dev.gentooexperimental.org".

Disabling lpsolve or switching to coinmp, or disabling both, don't
avoid the issue: lpsolve seems both required and unavailable.

Q: Any known workaround?


(1) Current status of libreoffice

     *  app-office/libreoffice
           Latest version available:
           Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
           Size of files: 367,553 KiB
           Homepage:      https://www.libreoffice.org
           Description:   A full office productivity suite
           License:       || ( LGPL-3 MPL-1.1 )

(2) libreoffice use flags should be ignoring lpsolve, I think?

     lpsolver is turned off and I've picked coinmp in any case.
     turning off coinmp gets the same result: failure downloading
     lpsolve (see #3, below).

     From /etc/portage/pacakge.use/local (whitespace added):

  *      coinmp
  *      -libreoffice_extensions_nlpsolver

     # equery uses app-office/libreoffice;
     [ Legend : U - final flag setting for installation]
     [        : I - package is installed with flag     ]
     [ Colors : set, unset                             ]
      * Found these USE flags for app-office/libreoffice-
      U I
      - - accessibility                               : Add support for 
accessibility (eg 'at-spi' library)
      - - base                                        : Enable full support for 
LibreOffice Base databases (involves additional bundled libs)
      - - bluetooth                                   : Enable Bluetooth Support
      + - branding                                    : Enable Gentoo specific 
      - - clang                                       : Use Clang compiler 
instead of GCC
  *   + - coinmp                                      : Use sci-libs/coinor-mp 
as alternative solver
      + + cups                                        : Add support for CUPS 
(Common Unix Printing System)
      - - custom-cflags                               : Build with 
user-specified CFLAGS (unsupported)
      + + dbus                                        : Enable dbus support for 
anything that needs it (gpsd, gnomemeeting, etc)
      - - debug                                       : Enable extra debug 
codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful
                                                        backtraces see 
      - - eds                                         : Enable support for 
Evolution-Data-Server (EDS)
      - - firebird                                    : Add support for the 
Firebird relational database
      - - googledrive                                 : Enable support for 
remote files on Google Drive
      - - gstreamer                                   : Add support for 
media-libs/gstreamer (Streaming media)
      + + gtk                                         : Add support for 
x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
      - + java                                        : Add support for Java
      - - kde                                         : Add support for 
software made by KDE, a free software community
      - - ldap                                        : Add LDAP support 
(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
  *   - - libreoffice_extensions_nlpsolver            : LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS 
option to build non-linear solver for calc
      - - libreoffice_extensions_scripting-beanshell  : LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS 
option to build beanshell scripts parser
      - - libreoffice_extensions_scripting-javascript : LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS 
option to build javascript scripts parser
      - - libreoffice_extensions_wiki-publisher       : LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS 
option to build mediawiki integration
      - - mariadb                                     : Prefer mariadb 
connector over mysql connector
      - - odk                                         : Build the Office 
Development Kit
      + - pdfimport                                   : Enable PDF import via 
the Poppler library
      + - postgres                                    : Add support for the 
postgresql database
      - - python_single_target_python3_10             : Build for Python 3.10 
      - - python_single_target_python3_8              : Build for Python 3.8 
      + + python_single_target_python3_9              : Build for Python 3.9 
      - - test                                        : Enable dependencies 
and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by
                                                        FEATURES=test but can 
be toggled independently)
      - - vulkan                                      : Enable Vulkan usage via 
the skia library (clang recommended)

(3) "dev.gentooexperimental.org" seems not to exist?

     Which seems to make sense:


     resolves in DNS and firefox but


     does not. I've wandered around the site.. infinte
     construction doesn't seem to include "dev." or
     anything like lpsolve.

     Checking  packages.../repoman-checks/sci-mathematics.txt gives me
     a not-so-good feeling about lpsolve due to "deprecated":

     repo.eapi.deprecated sci-mathematics/lpsolve/lpsolve- 4

     # emerge --fetchonly app-office/libreoffice;
     Calculating dependencies... done!


     >>> Downloading 
     --2022-02-21 12:48:01--  
  *  Resolving dev.gentooexperimental.org... failed: Unknown host.
  *  wget: unable to resolve host address ‘dev.gentooexperimental.org’
  *  !!! Couldn't download 'lpsolve-'. Aborting.
      * Fetch failed for 'sci-mathematics/lpsolve-'

      >>> Failed to emerge sci-mathematics/lpsolve-

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