On Sun, 12 Jun 2022 00:42:56 -0400, Alan Grimes wrote:

> All of the followning statemens are true:
> 1. I am never not running seamonkey, it is always open at all times on
> my left hand monitor, If at any point it was not on my left hand monitor
> either I must have been going through a power failure or something had
> broken it, because it is working at the moment I have decided not to use
> emerge update for the next six months, two months in to that period at
> this point.
> 2. Seamonkey is my default browser.
> 3. Seamonkey cannot be launched twice, ie it cannot be launched on my
> right hand monitor because the monitors are using separte X servers and
> it would need to be launched twice to come up on that monitor.

The last statement is not quite true. It cannot be launched twice with
the same profile. This was the first hit when googling "seamonkey launch
two instances"


Is there a particular reason for running two X servers rather than one
desktop on two screens? The latter completely avoids the problem you are

Neil Bothwick

If God can't help you, how about Mr. Coffee?

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