On 20/12/2021 09:10, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
Has anyone here noticed that x.org likes to crash sometimes as of late? Never happened before, going years and years back. The last month or so, I've got three x.org crashes:

systemd-coredump[204553]: [🡕] Process 453 (X) of user 0 dumped core.

So half a year later and I was still getting these crashes. I found the possible issue. More and more people started having the same crashes as different distros were updating their X11 stuff. It seems the issue is this:


A patch was merged in xorg upstream about 4 months ago:


Downloadable diff:


This patch is not carried in portage. I copied it to /etc/portage/patches/x11-base/xorg-server/ and rebuilt xorg-server three days ago, and I haven't had any more crashes.

Fingers crossed...

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