Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> Early this morning Seamonkey could no longer fetch emails.  It wouldn't
> accept the username and password.  I did some searching and it seems
> that Google is disabling plain text username and password.  Honestly,
> sounds like a good idea really.  During my searches, most recommended
> OAuth2 so I switched to it.  I'd never heard of it before but dove in
> head first.  Turns out, easy enough.  When I hit Get Msgs after changing
> the settings, it asked for the password and it started downloading
> emails.  My first thought, yeppie!! 
> After a while, I noticed it wasn't downloading new emails
> automatically.  I have it set to check for new messages every 10 minutes
> or so.  I had to hit the Get Msgs button each time.  I'd prefer it to do
> it automatically.  I tried restarting Seamonkey and even changing the
> settings for doing it automatically, in case a config file needed
> updating after the switch, still doesn't do it automatically.  I'm
> attaching a screenshot of the settings. 
> Does using OAuth2 disable automatically fetching messages or am I
> missing some other setting?  It worked fine until I switched to OAuth2
> so I don't know what else it could be.  Is there something better than
> OAuth2 that gmail supports?  I just picked the first option I found. 
> Thoughts??
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

I was hoping a update to Seamonkey would fix this issue.  It was just a
bug and would be fixed.  Well, I updated the other day and it still
doesn't fetch email until I tell it to.  I've tested this numerous
times.  It just plain doesn't fetch on its own anymore. 

Anyone have ideas on how to fix this.  If anyone needs more info, just
let me know.  I'll either attach the text or a picture if it is a menu
type thing that can't be copied. 



:-)  :-) 

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