Dear friends,

After compiling gcc,  I ran reboot or shutdown, and it shows
" Failed to reboot system via logind: connection timed out".

If use "systemctl daemon-reexec" or "systemctl daemon-reload", it shows "Failed 
to reload daemon: Transport endpoint is not connected".

Compiling gcc uses alot of memory, sometimes only less then 10MB left free ( I 
am doing this on a small yeeloong netbook with only 1GB memory).  This may 
cause the logind disconnected. However, after the compilation, there should be 
enough memery left. However the logind is still disconnected.

If this happens, what is the best way to reboot or shutdown?

Why does the systemd need logind to shutdown? Is it possible to design a way to 
just shutdown without access of the logind?


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