Am Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 05:54:30AM -0600 schrieb Dale:
> Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> > There ya goo. As I suspected, I already wrote most of it in October right
> > away, I only couldn’t find the file until now. I just had to fix the same
> > bugs as in the first script (and some more in the additional parts :D ),
> > and put some more grease into the interal logic and output strings.
> >
> I saved it and then tried to figure it out.  I got lost.  I see the
> commented sections which kinda help I guess but still got lost. 

I was kinda verbose on the comments for you. But in the end, you don’t need to
understand every line of it. ;-) Suffice it to say it won’t syphon off your
data to me.

> What does it try to do in simple terms?  Or, how would I use it may be a
> better question? 

Look at my mail from 23.10., it has a textual description (the one with the
file tree): it basically wraps the old script over all files.

You have a directory 'A' with videos and a subdirectory 'A/temp' with new
videos. Start the script in A and it will go through all files in A/temp and
ask you what to do with each – skip (do nothing), keep (move to A without
renaming), or overwrite a certain file in A (keeping the extension), which is
the same as the old script.

> I been using the other script and it is coming in very handy.  It saves
> me quite a bit of time. 

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