On Fri, Nov 04, 2005 at 08:16:07AM -0500, John J. Foster wrote:
> > 
> I did note something I consider quite odd, though. While rebooting,
> local.start runs right _before_ inittab starts to bring the system to
> runlevel 3. 
> A couple thing here.
> rc-status shows /etc/init.d/local as part of the _default_ runlevel.
> /etc/init.d/local stop  -  warns about shutting a boot service. This
> warning only happens the first time it is stopped after a reboot.
> Subsequent stops and starts produce no warnings.
> It looks to me like _local_ is for some reason being started earlier
> than it should, or my understanding of the boot process is limited.
OK, I may have found the answer here, which I'll verify tonight when I
get home and can watch a reboot.

/etc/init.d/local needsme

showed that /etc/init.d/splash was dependent on local. splash was in the
boot runlevel, although I haven't used splash for a few months now, and
obviously forgot to remove it. I am pretty sure this will solve my

I'll let you know.

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it would be illegal

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