Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 6:55 PM Dale <
> <>> wrote:
> >
> > Dale wrote:
> > >
> > > Interesting info.  Since this is a duplicate copy already, I'm not to
> > > worried about RAID stuff.  I'd rather have two separate backups
> myself.
> > > Store them in different places for even more safety.  Still, one of
> > > these days.  ;-)
> > >
> > > I'm still getting this error.
> > >
> > > root@fireball ~ # mkdir /mnt/Backup/Videos
> > > mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/Backup/Videos’: Permission denied
> > > root@fireball ~ #
> > >
> > > I've tried every permission in every place I can find.  I have a user
> > > set up, set permissions under storage and pools, all the little
> > > directory thingys under it too.  It mounts so I'd think I got
> everything
> > > set up correctly in the Share section.  I actually followed a
> guide and
> > > I don't think I missed anything.  Still, I can't write anything to the
> > > thing.  It mounts fine, even shows it is mounted rw.  I can't find
> > > anything wrong on the puter or NAS ends.  This reminds me of the last
> > > time I played with BSD.  It works so different, it just throws a
> person
> > > upside down and shakes them.
> > >
> > > I did switch to TrueNAS tho.  Thing is, I got the same result from
> both,
> > > exact same error.  Can't be a bug.  It has to be me.  No idea what I
> > > missed but I bet I did.  lol  Just gonna keep banging on it.  :-D
>  I do
> > > like the GUI part.  That's pretty neat.
> > >
> > > Dale
> > >
> > > :-) :-)
> > >
> >
> >
> > Update.  I thought about just using Dolphin to play with the directory
> > that's actually on the NAS.  I could create folders and files just fine
> > with Dolphin.  Well, isn't that interesting.  Finally I found a comment
> > with google that gave me a clue.  I needed to change the options I use
> > with rsync plus it appears on my computer, I need to su to dale, same
> > user as on NAS.  Now it works.  I can rsync my files over.
> >
> > Then I noticed something else.  The network card in the NAS box, it's a
> > old 100MB card.  Has anyone ever poured cold molasses before?  Does
> > waiting on leap year sound familiar?  ROFL  Just saying.
> >
> > Hey, at least I got the silly thing to work, slowly, but works.  :/
> >
> > Dale
> >
> > :-)  :-)
> Congrats on making progress.
> Is this still FreeNAS or did you switch to TrueNAS Core?
> Yeah, 100Mb/S, or say 12MB/S takes days to move 
> multiple Terrabytes. I did it inside of a screen session so that
> I could disconnect and leave it running in the background
> without having to watch cold molasses flow. I'm looking
> to upgrade everything to 2.5Gb/S or higher one of these 
> days but once the initial backup is done regular backups
> are reasonably fast.
> I was disappointed in the info Frank found about not being
> able to bond Pools, but it still makes me wonder if someone
> could create a 14TB RAID0 outside of the pool and then bond 
> that RAID0 with a 14TB drive to make a 14TB ZFS RAID1. 
> Not looking to do it myself though... ;-)
> - Mark

Well, when I ran into the permission problem, I was going to start over
anyway.  Figured if I was going to start over, may as well switch to
TrueNAS while at it.  So, I switched.  I only used FreeNAS because it
was the first one I found.  It was put on the USB stick ages ago. I'm
keeping a eye out for a small hard drive, 250GB or something to use as
the OS drive in the NAS.  I've read it wears out USB sticks pretty fast. 

At first, I couldn't get both drives to add at the same time.  To work
around that, I set up a pool with one drive.  I then went back and added
the second drive.  Then it was both drives added together, like I do in
LVM.  Then I did the file system thing, dataset I think they call it??? 

After a while, I shutdown the NAS.  I got on Ebay and ordered a 1GB
network card.  Everything I have is 1GB so no need getting anything
faster.  It should be a lot faster and may be about all the NAS rig can
handle anyway.

I haven't figured out how to encrypt it yet tho.  I need to research that. 

Still, progress.


:-)  :-) 

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