Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> Am Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 01:07:43PM -0600 schrieb Dale:
>> See other reply that has more info.  I'm pretty sure it is the
>> encryption maxing out the CPU.
> The most simple benchmark is dd: unlock the LUKS layer on your HDD. then
> first read from the HDD directly and then from the LUKS device:
> dd if=<path/to/raw/HDD> of=/dev/null bs=1M count=1000
> dd if=<path/to/cryptdevice> of=/dev/null bs=1M count=1000
> It will tell you the transfer rate in MB/s.

One thing about it, the speed is likely what its going to be.  Whether
it is the encryption or whatever, it is what it is.  It did improve a
little with the 1GB network card but not a whole lot.

>> Mostly, I need a better CPU.  If I encrypt anyway. 
> Did you ever tell us the exact CPU you have in there? All I can remember is
> it has 4 cores. And some AMD processor with a II in its name, but that was
> you main rig, right?

It took some digging around but I found out it is a AMD Phenom 9750 quad
core.  It lists some extensions but I don't see any that are related to
encryption.  No AES or whatever for sure.  Unless I missed it.  I used
the command cpuid to get this info on BSD.

My main rig has a AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor and 32GBs of memory. 
I'm thinking about a new rig eventually.  Rig is getting a little age on
it.  ;-) 


:-)  :-) 

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