On 4/1/23 23:28, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:

At time to time my XFCE4 freezes.  The screen is responding to the keyboard, 
mouse pointer is moving on the screen but nothing is responding.
I just lookup some solutions and found this one:

- press: CTRL+Alt+T  (to get to terminal)
- pidof xfce4-panel
- kill -9 pid

xfwm4 --replace &

Any other solutions?


I've tried the above solution after XFCE froze.  It did not work.
Pressing CTRL+Alt+T worked, window open with a terminal and responded to 
keyboard (not the mouse).

- pidof xfce4-panel
- kill -9 pid
xfwm4 --replace &
the above worked, but did not help.  htop did not show anything was using 
excess CPU.

I logged in as root and "/etc/inid.d/display-manger restart" did not restart X, 
just unresponsive black screen

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