Jack wrote:
> What about piping the output of emerge through 'tee' into a file.  You
> can then grep that file for the package names you are interested in,
> and they will clearly be highlighted.  True, you will need to look at
> the portage output directly to decide whether or not to proceed, and
> then separately at the grep of the same text to see if you need to
> take other actions.

I think on most occasions it would be faster to just read every package
name being listed instead of doing other repetitive things.  I was
trying to make them more obvious, stand out more or something that would
catch my eye as I scan the list for USE changes.  The USE changes stand
out pretty good as they are.  I've read where one can change the default
colors as some background colors make the default colors hard to see.  I
use a black background so the default works fine for me, yellow stands
out pretty good for USE changes.  Since it highlights USE changes
already, I thought there might be a way to change colors of certain
package names as well, just maybe.  I was doubtful but in the past,
someone posts something that emerge does that is either new or I never
heard of before.  I was shooting in the dark but thought I'd ask.  Turns
out, I needed it this time.  I totally missed the nvidia upgrade and it
is usually shown as a world file entry which stands out a little more,
not much but a little. 

I see another batch of KDE packages was just released.  I may upgrade
again later tonight or tomorrow.  If I had known those were coming, I'd
have waited until tomorrow to upgrade.  :/

Even a blind squirrel finds a acorn every once in a while.  LOL 


:-)  :-) 

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