Every now and then, usually while doing something related to firefox (mozilla-firefox-1.0.7-r2) but it's also happened when someone sent me a file over MSN in gaim (gaim-1.5.0), my copy of xorg-x11-6.8.2-r4 will lock up and refuse all interaction.

All windows stop responding; xmms keeps playing; keyboard locks up and the mouse, although free to wiggle around won't cross from one screen to another. Logging in from another machine over SSH, top reveals that X is occupying 90-something% of the CPU; killing individual applications like firefox or xmms doesn't do anything but killing X gives me back a working, functional login screen.

This is, as you might imagine, amazingly annoying. For whatever reason, it'll happen when I click specific links in Firefox (i.e. my professor's labs & assignments link) or alt tab away or back into Firefox. I haven't lost much work yet, thanks to my habit of using vim in screen but otherwise it's frustrating to either boot up a 2nd (non linux) comp or hitting the restart button.

It started when I accidentally updated a bunch of packages using ~x86 keywords but I've recompiled xorg and firefox back to their 'stable' versions; sooner or later I'm going to try to recompile everything down to their stable versions but in the meanwhile, any suggestions?

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