On Monday 07 November 2005 03:38 pm, Robert Persson wrote:
> >
> > > 2.  That thing you can do in Media 100 and Avid where you you hae little
> > > arrows pointing from 1 video clip in the timeline to the other and back
> > > again so that you can do lots of fast cuts without getting confused by
> > > lots of tiny clips.
> >
> > I am not familiar with avid or media 100, but I am always interested in
> > new interfaces to movie editing. I might even install windows to take a
> > look :)
> I'm not sure if media 100 is even produced any more.  I used it on a mac os 
> 7.5 system and it needed a lot of proprietary hardware.  Same goes for older 
> versions of avid, but that's not true any more.
> >

(exit lurk mode)  :-)

Media 100 is still around, although it is sort of dying off.  It's changed 
hands a few times in recent years, but it does still have some work done on 
it.  They've also recently released a software only version of the system, 
with no special hardware boards needed.

Not to hype my own site or anything, but Media 100 is one of the systems 
(Along with Avid, Apple's Final Cut, and others) that gets good coverage at 
Creative Cow (http://forums.creativecow.net).  You might want to take a look 
there before making any purchasing decisions.

(return to lurk mode)  

Eric Bliss
systems design and integration,
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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