On 00:22 Fri 11 Nov     , El Nino wrote:
> Dear friends,
> i develop my own webpages & now want to upload them to a remote server. so
> im new to do this... so can any body to point me a tool to do this?

If you can find some way (e.g. shell access or a friendly sysadmin) to
install it on the remote server, I highly recommend unison:

*  net-misc/unison
      Latest version available: 2.13.16
      Latest version installed: 2.13.16
      Size of downloaded files: 1,001 kB
      Homepage:    http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/
      Description: Two-way cross-platform file synchronizer
      License:     GPL-2

It uses the rsync protocol, so is much faster than copying the files if you've
just made small changes. But unlike rsync it allows full two-way
synchronisation, which is very useful if files can be changed on the server as
well as on your local copy.


PhD Student
Quantum Information Theory group
Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics
Garching, Germany

web: www.dr-qubit.org
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